Nonsurgical Ways To Enhance Your Breasts: Strictly for the Ladies!

The media has transformed the female anatomy into a ‘Wonder Woman’ physique with giant breasts, tiny waists and massive butts.  From silicone implants to oral capsules, and injections of whatever, women of all ages are looking for ways to boost their anatomies in order to grab maximum attention. But if you’re scared of going under the scalpel, there are other safer ways to boost your mammary glands. 

I have never been what one would call well endowed, though when I was in my twenties, my  34B size breasts sat firmly and tightly on my chest. With a wired bra, my cleavage looked appealing, without going over the top.  By my late thirties not only had my breasts shrunk to a smaller size,  they appeared to have dropped slightly on my rib cage, as if tired of standing up.

I am not alone. It happens to the best of breasts. Most women start to get saggier in their thirties, because as you get older your skin loses elasticity and stretches due to gravity, while pregnancy and breast-feeding accelerate the process. Why is childbearing so cruel to our curves? When you are pregnant your breasts get bigger, as their ducts enlarge and their tissue swells in readiness for breast-feeding. I remember looking at my 34DD full breasts with admiration and wished, really wished, they would remain that way. Alas! It was just a wishful thinking, because as soon as I stopped breast feeding, they even looked smaller than pre-pregnancy. The firmest and pointed large nipples seemed a little down. The reasons were not farfetched.  The months of pregnancy and nursing can leave them slack. In addition, the ducts and fat in your breasts at times shrink a bit after you have a baby, leaving your breasts less dense and full. While nothing short of surgery will make your breasts look like they did when you were twenty-one, there are less invasive options that can make the difference, in particular arms and chest exercises. 

I can speak on this authoritatively because years after child bearing, with consistent exercises for my arms and chest, my breasts look much better. Perhaps not back to when I was in my twenties, or bigger than my original 34B,  but at least they have some life back into them.

Here's the ultimate guide to beautiful breasts at any age.

‘I must, I must, I must increase my bust’!
I do admit thinking of surgical breast enlargement at one time in the University. Hem hem…, I blame this on youthful exuberance and peer pressure at the time. However, the fear of not waking up from anaesthetic, the pain afterwards, and the fact that the new ‘silicone implants’ only have a ten year lifespan put me off.  OK, so exercise won’t increase your cup size. But it's a natural way to make your breasts sit higher and more even on your chest. How? Because exercise builds the muscles of the chest wall, so your breasts will look less droopy.  If you strengthen your back muscles, too, you can improve your posture, which can make your chest look a hundred times better. Try to do the following moves every other day
  • ·         The push-up
Assume the women's push-up position - on your hands and knees on the floor with your back flat. To target the correct muscles, that is your chest-wall muscles, place your hands on the floor in line with your bust, not with your shoulders. Keeping abdominal muscles tight and back straight, bend your arms and lower your torso toward the floor until your chest almost touches it, then push yourself back up to the starting position. Work your way up to three sets of 20 repetitions. After you have built up strength, increase the benefits by putting your toes instead of your knees on the floor.

  • ·         The back extension
 After each set of push-ups, lie face down on the floor, lift one arm and the opposing leg a few inches straight in the air simultaneously, and hold for a count of 20. Do the move twice on each side. Back extensions strengthen your upper and lower back muscles, thus improving posture.

Are breasts firming creams useless?
Ever wonder about those creams that promise to give you fuller breasts? The kind of cream you see in supermarkets and on internet typically contain weak plant estrogens, such as those in wild yam and saw palmetto, which supposedly stimulate breast growth. Sounds like the best thing since the ‘Wonderbra’, but there is no proof the ingredients increase breast size. According to some doctors, if these estrogens were powerful enough to be effective, the creams would be on the prescription list and not displayed on the counter.

The other types of breast cream are developed to firm up breast skin.  And they do, but only a temporary fix. They remove fluid from the first few layers of your skin to make it tauter, so your breasts may look slightly more firm for a few hours. Don’t bank on long-lasting results.

Bigger breasts in a capsule?
Perhaps you have seen the advert on internet and wondered, ‘Can I swallow a pill and become a firm C cup in four weeks’? Really? The truth is that no pill can safely do that. Typically, these capsules contain herbs whose effects resemble those of estrogen, a hormone that triggers breast growth. But it may not be safe to take substances that mimic estrogen, since excess estrogen has been linked with breast cancer.

Stretch-mark erasers
If you have had a baby or lost weight, you may be all too familiar with breast stretch marks. The only thing that work while stretch marks are still red are tretinoin, belongs to a class of medications called Retinoids,  which you apply topically and  is available by prescription. There is also a treatment with a pulsed-dye laser which uses infrared light to stimulate collagen growth under your skin.  If your stretch marks are no longer red, a combination of six microdermabrasion treatments together with tretinoin may help.

As for those beauty creams that promise to prevent or erase stretch marks, experts say they are a waste of money. Whether you get stretch marks is up to your genes, though applying a heavy moisturizer that contains mineral oil or silicone may help a little.

The perfect enhancing bra
If you’re less than happy with you figure, the problem may be your bra, says a bra-fit specialist. You will get the sexiest support if you look for the following features:
  • A secure, firm back. Flimsy cotton and lace may not be strong enough to pull your breasts up. A bra with a wide, tightly woven back will help lift you up in front. 

  • Supportive cups. If your breasts are saggy, they will sit in the bottom of a sheer cup. Look for a bra with lined or padded cups that are slightly firm to the touch.
  • Underwire. By providing extra support underneath, underwire bras give more lift than other types. But the fit is critical: You need to be sure the wire circles your breast tissue and is comfy, not tight, against your ribs. 
A healthy body image is a secret to healthy relationships. Learn how to jump cup sizes without breast implant surgery. In any case, it’s a healthy sign when a woman’s cup runneth over. Get my meaning? It is also important to acknowledge the fact that healthy women and beautiful bodies comes in all sizes. Find your correct bra size. Get measured for the correct bra size. You may be surprised to find that your cup B has moved to cup C, or cup C to DD, which will boost your body image…without surgery of course.

Photo Credit: Creative Commons.



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