10 Healthy Ways To De-bloat Your Stomach

You would have loved a taut belly for the wedding party at the weekend, but thanks to too many fizzy drinks and doughnuts, zipping that sexy dress at the back, or closing the zip of your trousers in front, is a real struggle. Abdominal bloating not only looks horrible, but can also make you physically uncomfortable. The good news is that experts assure stomach bloating is a condition that is easily avoidable.

This is not about extra pounds of belly fat, but the temporary abdominal bloating that troubles many people frequently. If your stomach bloating is not diagnosed as a medical problem such as heart disease or liver, then the only cause is intestinal gas and not weight from water. The extension in the stomach is not from fluid retention in healthy adults, since the stomach is not a place where fluids gather first. Otherwise the swelling will show in your feet and ankles when you stand. 

So what causes gas to settle, cause discomfort and affect how you feel and look? Experts say there are several causes, from food allergy or intolerances to constipation.
1. Keep Constipation Away.
Eating too little fiber, hardly drinking water, and lack of physical activity may lead to constipation which can make your stomach bloat.  In order to keep constipation away from you, you should be eating a diet high in fiber about 25 grams daily for women and 38 grams for men, ranging from whole grains and cereals, fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds.  It’s also important to drink plenty of water targeting six to eight glasses daily, and your goal for physical activity should be at least 30 minutes, five times a week.

Also be careful to gradually increase your fiber level, if you’re currently eating a low fiber diet, along with plenty of fluids for healthier tolerance.
2. Confirm Food Allergies or Intolerance.
Gas and stomach bloating can be caused by food allergies and intolerance, but don’t self-diagnose these conditions and needlessly remove healthy dairy and whole grains from your diets. These conditions should be confirmed by your doctor who will recommend some tests. It may also help to reduce the quantity of the food culprit and eat it with other foods.  For instance in the case of dairy intolerance, you may choose aged cheeses and yogurts which are lower in lactose.

3. Don’t Rush Your Food.
If you rush your food and don’t chew your food properly, you’re likely to swallow air which causes bloating. The advice is to slow down, chew well, and enjoy your food. Your meals should last at least 20 to 30 minutes, depending on the quantity and type of food you’re eating. The most important is to keep in mind that you can decrease bloating by chewing your food more because digestion starts in the mouth.
Another good thing about not rushing your food is that when you take your time to chew well and taste the food, your snack or meal is satisfying. Studies also find you may not eat as much as you initially intended if you don’t rush your food.

4. Drink less sparkling drinks.
The sparkle in carbonated drinks, including no-sugar types, can cause gas to get stuck in your belly. Preferably drink water flavored with lemon, lime, or cucumber. Or just reduce the number of sparkling drinks you take every day. You can try some peppermint tea because of their soothing benefit which may give relief to a bloated stomach.

5. Chew less gum.
Chewing gum can also encourage you to swallow air which can lead to bloating. If you’re a habitual gum chewer, substitute chewing gum with sucking a hard candy or eating a healthy snack  non-acidic fruits  like banana, vegetables, or lower-fat popcorn.

6. Be alert to sugar-free foods.
Several people suffer bloating because of too much consumption of sugar alcohol in artificially sweetened foods and drinks. Experts recommend consuming no more than 2-3 servings per day of artificially sweetened foods and drinks.
7. Reduce sodium.
Extremely high processed foods are likely to be high in sodium and low in fiber, both of which can add to that uncomfortable bloated feeling. It’s important to find time to read food label, according to experts, particularly when purchasing  prepackaged processed, canned, or frozen foods, and aim for no more than 500 mg of sodium per serving in any product, or a daily total of 2,300 mg of sodium.
8. Go easy on beans and gassy vegetables.
Beans are highly nutritious food, but if you’re not used to eating beans, they can cause that gassy feeling. This also goes for the cruciferous family of vegetables, such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and cauliflower. However, this is not to discourage you from eating these super-nutritious, high-fiber vegetables. To cope with beans, you just need to put them in your diet gradually until your body adjusts to the compounds that can initially cause gas. 

9. Break your food into mini meals
Rather than eat three big meals per day, substitute with smaller meals often. This can keep you free of the bloated feeling that often follows large meals, for instance think the feeling when you overfeed yourself at parties, resulting in several belches and gassing. Consuming smaller food more often can also assist in managing blood sugar and hunger. Hence, aim for five to six small meals each day, but be certain the amount of food and calories are in line with your needs. 

10. Test Anti-Bloating Foods and Drinks.
A few studies suggest that peppermint tea, ginger, pineapple, parsley, and yogurts containing probiotics ‘good bacteria’ may help reduce bloating. These are safe foods that are good for you when eaten right, so you may want to test them to see if they help you de-bloat.

Truth about stomach fat
Either to help you de-bloat or lose weight, experts agree that laxatives, water pills, fasting, and skipping meals are not recommended. If your aim is to flatten your belly for the long term, there is no substitute for losing a few pounds. For most everyone, when you lose total body fat, your body reduces belly fat specially. While some people lose weight differently, there is a little more lost in the stomach area than elsewhere.
Another finding by experts is that doing stomach exercises all day long wouldn’t remove excess belly, because you can’t necessarily spot reduce.  However, you can strengthen abdominal muscles with routines like Pilates and exercise ball workouts. And with stronger abdominal muscles, your belly appears flatter.
The final cheery news is that toning and strengthening the stomach muscles can give you a less-fat look and improve your look, muscle tone, and posture, which is also very good for your back.
Photo Credit: Creative Commons.


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