6 Blunders Women Make In Marriage

For starters if you don’t say what you want, your husband is flying solo and very unlikely to meet your desires. In addition the tone of your voice when you speak about your problems can make or mar your chances of him listening. There is also the bedroom matter.
It's easy to get married, but staying married is delicate and tricky. Experts provide 6 blunders that can destroy a marriage, or at the very least shake its foundations. It doesn’t matter if it’s you or your spouse committing these blunders, taking a more proactive action will make all the difference.

1. You are too eager to satisfy
Some wives are too willing to give up on what they want. It's a situation where the wife is basically being an accessory to the husband, instead of being a full and equal partner in the marriage. Some women tend to concentrate on the man, rather making it all about both of them.Continue reading below... Usually, they're afraid of stirring a fight or just assume that to retain the relationship they must put in the back burner what they themselves want. It's a sense of hopelessness that eventually leads to a boiling point.
Her solution? Express your concerns rationally, whether about housework or parenting duties, or about not getting enough time with your husband or for yourself. He may like being with his friends at the weekends while she may want him around for family time, for example. But  if she spoke up, they might be able to work out a better arrangement, and perhaps switch to a leisure that gives the family and opportunity to spend quality time together.

2. Not specific about your desires
Couples that perform best in marriage tend to make theirs desires clear from the start particularly as regards allocated duties, parenting, finances, according to marriage counsellors.
Unfortunately several couples don’t engage in those discussions and are functioning individually not as a team. Many of these couples function on assumptions of what they grew up with, thinking if it worked for them, then it should also work for their spouses. Anger can build up if there are dissimilarities in desires or in a reality unfulfilled. For example, your husband had promised you could go back for your post graduate degree after nursing your first child, but reneged on the agreement on the reason that the child needs both parents, and the mother more. That is one desire dashed. Another case is when some women think having a baby will bring their husband closer. But research shows marriage satisfaction plummets after the first child. Once couples are aware of this fact before marriage, it would assist them manage the constraints and not get angry when disagreement starts.

3. Not concerned about the tone of your voice
Irrespective of who is involved, man or woman, the tone of your voice can be a problem when marked somewhat with negativity. If you are worried, experts advise to table your concerns in a respectful and civilised manner, rather than spitting in a voice tinged with frustration, sarcasm and irritation.  It’s very OK to talk about what’s troubling you, but it should be done in a way that looks for answers and options rather than pouring it in a way that places a hold on a peaceful solution.

4. Allowing dissimilarity in communication styles
If you feel you are of the opinion that your husband doesn’t open up to you, perhaps it’s because he’s not hearing you. So you may want to search other ways you can try to get through to him. When a woman continues to state the same complaint over and over again just to be able to get her husband’s attention, it may be irritating to some men who call it nagging. However it may just be about dissimilarity in communication styles. For instance, the woman may want conversation, but the man has not determined how to respond or seems to have closed up, so the speaker pushes further.  That's a nasty pattern.
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This might happen in your relationship a lot. What to do? Try to pause to give your spouse the space to take in what you’re saying and time to confirm what he has heard. It might help to examine critically stereotyped personality idiosyncrasies and what both of you  can change. A huge number of marital problems drag on unnecessarily. The challenge is to identify what can’t be changed and move towards acceptance. It’s going to be difficult to change a prudent person into spontaneous person, likewise cautious into a carefree.

5. Underestimate the power of sex
Many women don’t give enough time for sex usually citing tiredness or taking care of the kids as excuses. That’s a costly blunder, experts repeat. The fact is that what is good for everybody is a healthy sex life. It maintains the happiness of the family, and of course children want more than anything for their parents to be happy with a strong, positive bond.
It’s absolutely important that women should make time and develop the desire to make love to their husbands. Though the fact remains it’s not about women abandoning everything to have sex with their spouse, it’s about spending quality time together and building up the desire through the week.
You start well by feeling sexy and that means making yourself right of the way. For women right of the way should be self-care, after all if you feel good about yourself, you're highly likely to feel sexual.

6. Failing to appreciate your partner
It’s easy to focus on kids, work and home and don’t remember the little gestures that strengthens a marriage. In healthy relationships, there are drips of appreciation very often extended to the other. They may be eye contact, hugs, touching, smiles, or agreeable verbal comments that profess respect for the other like 'I’m with you on that’ or ‘that’s a great thought’ or even being affirmative with the word ‘yes’. Paying attention, agreeing, appreciating, and loving are all helpful signals that sent out positive energy that wrap both people definitely.
Being appreciative reminds both partners of their love and likeness for each other, and great friendship is at the soul of successful marriages. It's frequent that married people tend to operate on an expired knowledge of self, moving them away from a genuine appreciation of each other. Finally, it’s a fairy tale that a good marriage sustains itself. No it doesn’t. A good marriage entails a continuous learning about each other. The marriage relationship continues to evolve, after all what you are at 25 is not what you are ten years down the line.

Photo Credit: Creative Commons


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