Common Habits That Impact Your Health

When you think about taking risks with your health, top things that come to mind are reckless driving, excessive alcohol, indiscriminate tobacco intake, or drug abuse. No doubt these actions are detrimental to good health. Nonetheless many of us possess habits less intense that are equally hazardous in the end.   Poor nutrition and lack of physical activity are risky factors for the most common causes of death.
Looking at most common causes of death, heart disease, cancer, and stroke top the list for millions of peoples’ death, or from complications of these diseases, followed by chronic liver diseases, respiratory diseases, accidents, diabetes, pneumonia, Alzheimer, kidney diseases, and infection. Though heart disease, stroke and some kinds of cancer tend to be genetically linked, this is only part of the risk for these diseases.  In many cases, your living habits are as crucial to your health as family genetics.  If you choose unhealthy lifestyle, your risk of having a serious health problem is higher.

There are three most crucial ways to reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer and stroke. Health professionals advise you not to start smoking or stop, indulge in fruits and vegetables and less of high fat foods, and make exercise a healthy lifestyle habit.  As a matter of fact, doing just one of these things will improve your health and reduce your risk of these three deadly diseases.
No doubt, trying to change unhealthy habits can be very difficult, but you are more likely to make changes in your habits if you set a specific goal for yourself. For instance make it a habit to add a piece of fruit and one type of vegetable to one meal each day.  This kind of goal is easier to remember and plan for.  Once this habit becomes the norm, then you can move to another goal.

As regards the goal to be more physically active, set up a walking group at work or in your neighborhood, or ask a friend to be your exercise partner. This will provide you with support and make physical activity more enjoyable.

In addition to lifestyle changes, be vigilant about early detection of diseases. If you notice any symptoms, make an appointment to see your doctor for evaluation.  You may not be able to guarantee your life will be disease free, but if you practice healthy habits and consult your doctor about extra measures you can take, you may at least reduce your risk of these potentially fatal diseases.

The payoff of a healthier living is that, for instance, when your blood pressure is under control, your risk of life-threatening complications, such as heart attack and stroke, decreases and you may live a longer and happier life. 

Photo credit: Creative Commons


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